Its been a wild while, but heres some quick updates to whats up and whats been up -mostly in teaser photos. Much more to come soon!

Lets start with current conditions:
Variable but decent snowpack out there. Watch out for weird layers, its been a crazy avalanche season across the west. Lets not start some bad basin statistics.
Where We've been recently:
Toiyabe Range, Reeds Canyon

Good Coverage overall, really sketchy collapsing facet layer at the bottom of the snowpack. Whumpfing like all hell up high, good learning experience for all. Skied some bushes and mine cuts for consolation (instead of the awesome peak in the above photo). Happy Valentines Day!

Trout Creek Mountains, Trout Creek Mountains HP

Beautiful Day, long approach, good skiing. One of the most fun approach roads I've driven all year, and a successful cap off to Conor and I skiing 3 awesome peaks in a row. Conor's own blog.

Pine Forest Range, Duffer Peak

A relatively challenging set of peaks in all regards. Long day, with these photos being the East (and slightly less tall) Peak. Spoiler alert: the east peak has much better skiing.

Jackson Mountains, Jackson Mtns HP

Windy AF but surprisingly good. Found fun snow down low, and amazing lines off the top -which we didn't ski because they were quite steep, there were some ugly basal facets, and (like a dumbass) I forgot my beacon in the car. Chill skiing can be quite fun too!
Tobin Range, Mt Tobin

Big Mtn, big crew, good day, and lots of random sage shwackin.

Toiyabe Range, Mt Callaghan

Even bigger crew (10) on a big sage hill. Great day, amazing blower PowPow!

Steens Mountains, Oregon
MLK Weekend, 2021

Ridiculous place with extreme potential, extreme approaches, and horrendous sage (if thats a thing). We will definitely be back. I said to Fred, "I want to come back here some weekend". And he said, "I want to come back here EVERY weekend."
And OH YES, there are tons of bighorn sheep, its a very very wild place (skull was left in the wilderness).

Santa Rosa Range
New Years 2021

Expressing feelings about "the maze", or about the bad humor? It was truly a gem of a way to ring in the New Year with these two! And oh yeah, theres an awesome cabin out there you can stay in.
Santa Rosa Peak

Resolved to summit, and found a really banger approach on the East this time. Would recommend.
Go Get some!